Are organic or pesticide-free wild blueberries on your weekly shopping list? If not, they should be! Why? Well, aside from their sweet and delicate flavor, the health benefits of these baby blues top the charts. Plus, wild blueberries make a star out of any dish – sweet or savory! Never tried blueberries in savory dishes? These pretty blue gems turn savory dishes into something extraordinary, so don’t limit them to just sweet snacks, breakfast or dessert.
Why are wild blueberries good for you? And how can you get more of these beautiful berries on your plate in savory and delicious ways? Read on.
Organic wild blueberries are stars when it comes to being good for you. How so?
Now that we’ve talked up the health benefits of wild blueberries, are you hungry yet?! It’s time to show you 3 surprisingly delicious savory ways to use blueberries in the kitchen – in an appetizer, salad and entree. But don’t stop with these ideas … experiment with your own and report back to us! We’d love to hear your favorite ways to love our organic or pesticide-free wild blueberries.
You (and your family!) will love these fruity, savory and healthy ways to enjoy our wild blueberries.
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Are organic or pesticide-free wild blueberries on your weekly shopping list? If not, they should be! Why? Well, aside from their sweet and delicate flavor, the health benefits of these baby blues top the charts.